Your one-stop shop for agricultural products!

At Star Gro we strive to serve you with the best agricultural products available to the farming community.
We are always looking for new and innovative products that will help serve you better.
Be sure to check our website regularly to stay informed of what’s new and exciting here at Star Gro Products Inc.

NEW Bactzyme Premium Blocks

NEW Bactzyme Premium Blocks

Through accelerated digestion, Bactzyme will liquefy solid material so that it’s easier to agitate, pump and irrigate. Treated lagoon can be pumped lower than ever before with fewer plugging problems.

Once transferred to cropland and because it’s already predigested, this manure will soak into the soil faster with less chance of caking on the field surface.

Please contact us for more information.

Citra Clean

Citra Clean

Our concentrated Citra Clean replaces all expensive cleaners around your
business at a fraction of the cost. Anywhere that you use water you can use
Citra Clean. Citra Clean is made from the natural orange extract d-limonene.
It produces a natural citrus scent and great grease releasing agents. Just spray the problem area with Citra Clean and work it into the stain.

Please contact us for more information.

Dairymans Choice – Probiotics

Dairymans Choice

Probiotics stimulate the rumen by supplying nutrients to digestive bacteria, thus producing enzymes. These enzymes catalyze rumen fermentation assisting fiber digestion and feed utilization. Dairymans choice is highly recommended for calf starter rations and diets of high producing cows. Dairymans Choice is palatable, helps stimulate appetite and is a recognized source of B-vitamins, minerals and other nutritional factors.

Please contact us for more information.